
Tired of manually updating all your git repos one by one when you're constantly switching between your Desktop PC and your Laptop? Wait no more! Now you can navigate to a folder containing all your git repos and just run one command to status/pull/push them all!

Here's a little excerpt from the

$~ -h
    usage: [-h] [--status] [--push] [--pull] [--update] [folder]

    Git bulk processor

    positional arguments:
      folder        Folder in which all the repositories are in (default this
                    folder './')

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help    show this help message and exit
      --status, -s  Get the Status of all Repositories (default)
      --push, -p    Push all Repositories
      --pull, -g    Pull all Repositories
      --update, -u  Update (Pull then Push) all Repositories

Since writing this I have switched from having all git repos in one folder (unsorted) to the way go manages repositories. What I had was ~/bin/<project_name> and a lot of them. Now it looks like this ~/projects/src/<git_server_url>/<namespace>/<project_name>. I could (and probably should) update the tool to also support that kind of directory structure, but as of now, that is not a priority. But until then if it fits your needs, you can use it. Just go to the Github Repo and follow the Instructions.